Speaker spikes, also known as isolation cones, are little cone shapes devices that can be secured to the base of your floor speakers. There has been a lot of conjecture over time about what they are good for, and what the benefits of using them are. Ultimately it is personal preference, however there are certainly some circumstances that you may find their benefits invaluable.
The main reason you may choose to attach spikes to the base of your speakers would be to stabilise them.
Movement can make the speaker wobble, and interfere with the quality of your audio. Spikes reduce rocking of the speaker case, lift the speaker slightly off the ground allow air flow and some believe the crispness and clarity of the sound increase.
Spikes also give better grip with the floor, helping to reduce vibrational bounce along the ground and keeping the speaker where you put it.
Also handy for isolating vibrations beneath other hi-fi devices such as DVD, Blu-ray & CD players, spikes come with a circular disc for the spike to rest on to protect the surface of any hardwood floors. Spikes can be used directly onto carpeted floors for even better contact with the floor.
For further information on speaker spikes, feel free to call our Selby Techs on 1800 69 2225