The crew, complied of several shady ex-submarine engineers is led by Captain Robinson (Jude Law), a former naval officer who has been laid off his salvage job. Robinson promises each crew member an equal share of anything they find. The intensity builds as the crew, a mixture of British and Russians become divided knowing that the fewer men that make it back alive, the more gold to go around. The submarine setting lends itself to the dark brooding atmosphere of distrust, as we learn the background of the crew and their motivations for becoming involved in such a risky operation. Paranoia sets in amongst the crew as the realisations strikes that perhaps not everyone is going to make it back to the surface. Captain Robinson is torn between keeping everyone alive and fulfilling the mission of looting the sunken sub. Black Sea is an intense adventure thriller which traps the audience within the rusty confines of the dim submarine. The pressure builds to the point where someone is sure to crack. Black Sea is in Cinemas Thursday 9th April